Tunnelling Bolts & Accessories


We have a long history of being a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialist tunnelling bolts and accessories to the tunnelling industry.

We are experienced designers and manufacturers of high integrity connection and embedded accessories for concrete segmentally lined tunnels.

Our production and distribution facilities in North America, Europe, and Asia make us perfectly positioned for your requirements.

Tunnelling Product Expertise

With full ‘in-house’ facilities, we are capable of manufacturing a comprehensive range of tunnelling products. The fastener range includes sizes from M12 to M100 as standard and we are able to manufacture special fasteners for bespoke requirements and to customer specific drawings.

We have expertise in the manufacture and moulding of products for the global tunnelling industry offering contractors a ‘one-stop shop’ for a comprehensive range of tunnelling bolts and plastic fittings, including bolt sockets, dowels, spacers, grout/lifting sockets, plugs and non-return valves.

Our products are supplied, packed and labelled to global export standards with all the necessary documentation.

Tunnelling product videos

We have developed 3D animations for the bolting system, the magnetic socket holder and the anchored guide rod.

  • This video is showing how the Modulock and screw sockets are installed in the segment mould. We can see that on the first side it is a clip-on socket and, on the other side, it is a bolt socket. Then, we can see how the concrete segment is demould, and that the sockets are perfectly positioned into the segment. The ModuLock sockets are very easy to install in the moulds, they just have to be screwed on the holders

  • This video is showing how the ModuLock and screw system is installed on the segment by the operator (it is screwed into the socket and not clipped), and then, how the segment is installed in the tunnel by the erector. We can see the insertion of the plastic fins into the sockets. Thanks to its asymmetrical shape, the ModuLock and Screw system can be easily installed by the operator on the segment, as it is easier to screw a central pin instead of clipping it with a hammer.

  • This video is showing how the Modulock sockets are installed in the segment mould. We can see that the sockets are the same on both side. Then, we can see how the concrete segment is demould, and that the sockets are perfectly positioned into the segment.

  • This video is showing how the ModuLock system is installed on the segment by the operator, and then, how the segment is installed in the tunnel by the erector. We can see the insertion of the plastic fins into the sockets.
    This is the standard version of ModuLock system, that can be declined in different length, to increase the tensile strength.