The Cooper Turner Beck Group are recognising our employees with a message from our Group CEO
Anthony Brown.
The pride I feel for what an extraordinary organisation Cooper Turner Beck is, is thanks to all of you. We are united by a common culture of discipline, flexibility & co-operation that makes us unbeatable in the face of events like this, in the face of adversity. We are going to overcome the difficulties of the moment, and we will do so, as always, by helping society do the same, in all countries where we operate, cooperating responsibly & in solidarity with the authorities.
Finally, I wish to address those of you that have been affected by the pandemic, personally or through your nearest relations. I send you my warmest embrace & wish you a speedy recovery in the name of everyone in the company.
I also wish to express my most heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you, the people of
The Cooper Turner Beck Group. Especially those of you who are carrying out critical tasks to manage this crisis within our Group & to those who work every day to keep our facilities and businesses operating. You are all setting an extraordinary example of commitment, professionalism, & solidarity.
You are the best guarantee that, united, we will emerge from this crisis stronger.